Idioms beginning with "B"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of B:
[black and white] {n. phr.}
1. Print or writing; words on paper, not spoken; exact written or printed form.
He insisted on having the agreement down in black and white.
* /Mrs. Jones would not believe the news, so Mr. Jones showed her the article […]
[black-and-white] {adj.}
Divided into only two sides that are either right or wrong or good or bad, with nothing in between; thinking or judging everything as either good or bad.
* /Everything is black-and-white to Bill; if you're not his friend, you […]
[black day] {n.}
A day of great unhappiness; a disaster.
It was a black day when our business venture collapsed.
[black eye] {n.}
1. A dark area around one's eye due to a hard blow during a fight, such as boxing.
Mike Tyson sported a black eye after the big fight.
2. Discredit.
* /Bob's illegal actions will give a black eye to the popular movement he […]
[blackout] {n.}
1. The darkening of a city curing an air raid by pulling down all curtains and putting out all street lights.
The city of London went through numerous blackouts during World War II.
2. A cessation of news by the mass media.
* […]
[black out] {v.}
1. To darken by putting out or dimming lights,
In some plays the stage is blacked out for a short time and the actors speak in darkness.
In wartime, cities are blacked out to protect against bombing from planes.
2. To prevent […]
[black sheep] {n.}
A person in a family or a community considered unsatisfactory or disgraceful.
My brother Ted is a high school dropout who joined a circus; he is the black sheep in our family.
[blank check] {n.}
1. A bank check written to a person who can then write in how much money he wants.
John's father sent him a blank check to pay his school bills.
2. {informal}
Permission to another person to do anything he decides to do.
* […]