Idioms beginning with "C"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of C:
[chain gang] {n.}
A group of convicts or slaves in the old South who were chained together.
Chain gangs are no longer an acceptable way of punishment, according to modem criminologists.
[chain letter] {n.}
A letter which each person receiving it is asked to copy and send to several others.
Most chain letters die out quickly.
[chain-smoke] {v.}
To smoke cigarettes or cigars one after another without stopping.
Mr. Jones is very nervous. He chain-smokes cigars.
[chain smoker] {n.}
Mr. Jones is a chain smoker.
[chain-smoking] {adj.} or {n.}
* /Chain smoking is very […]
[chain stores] {n.}
A series of stores in different locations, joined together under one ownership and general management.
The goods in chain stores tend to be more uniform than in independent ones.
[chained to the oars] {adj. phr.}
The condition of being forced to do strenuous and unwelcome labor against one's wishes for an extended period of time.
* /Teachers in large public schools frequently complain that they feel as if they had been chained […]
[chalk up] {v.}, {informal}
1. To write down as part of a score; record.
The scorekeeper chalked up one more point for the home team.
2. To make (a score or part of a score); score.
The team chalked up another victory.
* /Bob chalked up a […]