Idioms beginning with "H"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of H:
[hold off] {v.}
1a. To refuse to let (someone) become friendly.
The president's high rank and chilly manner held people off.
1b. To be rather shy or unfriendly.
* /Perkins was a scholarly man who held off from […]
[hold on] {v.}
1. To keep holding tightly; continue to hold strongly.
As Ted was pulling on the rope, it began to slip and Earl cried, "Hold on, Ted!"
Syn.: [HANG ON].
2. To wait and not hang up a telephone; keep a phone for later use.
* /Mr. […]
[hold one's breath] {v. phr.}
1. To stop breathing for a moment when you are excited or nervous.
The race was so close that everyone was holding his breath at the finish.
2. To endure great nervousness, anxiety, or excitement.
* /John held his […]
[hold one's end up] or [hold up one's end] or [keep one's end up] or [keep up one's end] {v. phr.}, {informal}
To do your share of work; do your part.
Mary washed the dishes so fast that Ann, who was drying them, couldn't keep her end up.
* /Susan […]
[hold one's fire] or [hold fire] {v. phr.}
To keep back arguments or facts; keep from telling something.
Tow could have hurt Fred by telling what he knew, but he held his fire.
* /Mary held fire until she had enough information to convince the […]
[hold one's head up] {v. phr.}
To show self-respect; not be ashamed; be proud.
When Mr. Murray had paid off his debts, he felt that he could hold his head up again.
[hold one's horses] {v. phr.}, {informal}
To stop; wait; be patient. — Usually used as a command. May be considered rude.
"Hold your horses!" Mr. Jones said to David when David wanted to call the police.
[hold one's nose to the grindstone]
[hold one's own] {v. phr.}
To keep your position; avoid losing ground; keep your advantage, wealth, or condition without loss.
Mr. Smith could not build up his business, but he held his own.
The team held its own after the first quarter.
* […]
[hold one's peace] {v. phr.}, {formal}
To be silent and not speak against something; be still; keep quiet.
I did not agree with the teacher, but held my peace as he was rather angry.