Idioms beginning with "I"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of I:
[in spite of] {prep. phr.}
Against the influence or effect of; in opposition to; defying the effect of; despite.
In spite of the bad storm John delivered his papers on time.
In spite of all their differences, Joan and Ann remain friends.
[instead of] or [in place of] also {formal} [in lieu of] {prep.}
In the place of; in substitution for; in preference to; rather than.
I wore mittens instead of gloves.
The grown-ups had coffee but the children wanted milk in place of coffee.
[in step] {adv.} or {adj. phr.}
1. With the left or right foot stepping at the same time as another's or to the beat of music; in matching strides with another person or persons.
* /The long line of soldiers marched all in step: Left, right! Left, […]
[in stitches] {adj. phr.}, {informal}
Laughing so hard that the sides ache; in a fit of laughing hard.
The comedian was so funny that he had everyone who was watching him in stitches.
[in stock] {adj. phr.}
Having something ready to sell dr use; in present possession or supply; to be sold.
The store had no more red shoes in stock, so Mary chose brown ones instead.
Compare: [IN STORE], [ON HAND].
Contrast: [OUT OF STOCK].
[in store] {adj.} or {adv. phr.}
1. Saved up in case of need; ready for use or for some purpose.
If the electricity goes off, we have candles in store in the closet.
The squirrel has plenty of nuts in store for the winter.
Compare: [IN […]
[in substance] {adv. phr.}
In important facts; in the main or basic parts; basically; really.
In substance the weather report said that it will be a nice day tomorrow.
* /The two cars are the same in substance, except one is red and the other is […]