Idioms beginning with "K"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of K:
[keep things humming] {v. phr.}
To cause thing to perform smoothly and efficiently.
Until Mr. Long joined our computer center, we had all sorts of problems, but he has corrected them and really keeps things humming.
[keep time] {v. phr.}
1. To show the right time.
My watch has not kept good time since I dropped it.
2. To keep the beat; keep the same rhythm; keep in step.
* /Many people are surprised at how well deaf people keep time with the music when they […]
[keep track] {v. phr.}
To know about changes; stay informed or up-to-date; keep a count or record.
What day of the week is it? I can't keep track.
- Usually used with "of".
* /Mr. Stevens kept track of his business by telephone when he was in […]
[keep under one's hat] {v. phr.}, {informal}
To keep secret; not tell.
Mr. Jones knew who had won the contest, but he kept it under his hat until it was announced publicly.
- Often used as a command.
Keep it under your hat.
Syn.: [KEEP TO […]
[keep up] {v.}
1a. To go on; not stop; continue.
The rain kept up for two days and the roads were flooded.
Compare: [KEEP ON].
1b. To go on with (something); continue steadily; never stop.
Mrs. Smith told John to keep up the good work.
* […]
[keep up appearances] {v. phr.}
To maintain an outward show of prosperity in spite of financial problems.
Mr. Smith's widow had a hard time keeping up appearances after her husband's death.
[keep up with the Joneses] {v. phr.}
To follow the latest fashion; try to be equal with your neighbors.
* /Mrs. Smith kept buying every new thing that was advertised, finally Mr. Smith told her to stop trying to keep up with the Joneses and to start […]