Idioms beginning with "L"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of L:
[let go of one's mother's apron strings]
[let grass grow under one's feet] {v. phr.}
To be idle; be lazy; waste time. — Used in negative, conditional, and interrogative sentences.
* /The new boy joined the football team, made the honor roll, and found a girlfriend during the first month of […]
[let it all hang out] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal}
Not to disguise anything; to let the truth be known.
Sue can't deceive anyone; she just lets it all hang out.
[let it lay] {v. phr.}, {used imperatively}, {slang}
Forget it; leave it alone; do not be concerned or involved.
Don't get involved with Max again — just let it lay.
[let it rip] {v. phr.}, {used imperatively}, {slang}
1. Don't be concerned; pay no attention to what happens.
Why get involved? Forget about it and let it rip.
2. (Imperatively) Do become involved and make the most of it; get in there and really […]
[let loose] {v.}
1a. or [set loose] or [turn loose]
To set free; loosen or give up your hold on.
The farmer opened the gate and let the bull loose in the pasture.
They turned the balloon loose to let it rise in the air.
1b. or [turn loose]
[let me see] or [let us see] {informal}
1. Let us find out by trying or performing an action.
Let me see if you can jump over the fence.
2. Give me time to think or remember.
I can't come today. Let me see. How about Friday?
* /Let's see. […]
[let off] {v.}
1. To discharge (a gun); explode; fire.
Willie accidentally let off his father's shotgun and made a hole in the wall.
Syn.: [GO OFF], [LET LOOSE] (2).
2. To permit to go or escape; excuse from a penalty, a duty, or a promise.
* […]
[let off steam] or [blow off steam] {v. phr.}
1. To let or make steam escape; send out steam.
The janitor let off some steam because the pressure was too high.
2. {informal}
To get rid of physical energy or strong feeling through activity; talk or […]