Idioms beginning with "O"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of O:
[offhand] {adj.} {adv.}
1. Informal; casual; careless.
Dick found Bob's offhand manner inappropriate for business.
2. In an improvised fashion.
Offhand, I would guess that at least five thousand people attended the festival.
[off-key] {adj.}, {informal}
1. Not proper; queer.
When George told jokes at the funeral, everyone thought his action was off-key.
2. In a false key.
John always sings off-key.
Compare: [OUT OF LINE].
[off one's back] {adj. phr.}
1. {informal}
Stopped from bothering one; removed as an annoyance or pest.
"Having a kid brother always following me is a nuisance," Mary told her mother. "Can't you get him off my back?"
* /The singer was so popular […]
[off one's chest] {adj. phr.}, {informal}
Told to someone and so not bothering you anymore; not making you feel worried or upset, because you have talked about it.
* /After Dave told the principal that he had cheated on the test, he was glad because it […]
[off one's hands] {adv. phr.}
No longer in your care or possession.
Ginny was glad to have the sick dog taken off her hands by the doctor.
Contrast: [ON ONE'S HANDS].
[off one's head] {adj. phr.}
Crazy; mad.
We had no doubt that the old man was off his head when we saw him jumping into the lake with his winter coat on.
[off one's high horse] {adj. phr.}, {informal}
1. Not acting proud and scornful; humble and agreeable.
The girls were so kind to Nancy after her mother died that she came down off her high horse and made friends with them.
2. Acting friendly […]