Idioms beginning with "P"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
Contents of P:
[pipe down] {v.}
1. To call (sailors) away from work with a whistle.
He piped the men down after boat drill.
2. {slang}
To stop talking; shut up; be quiet.
"Oh, pipe down," he called.
- Often considered rude.
[pipe dream] {n.}, {informal}
An unrealizable, financially unsound, wishful way of thinking; an unrealistic plan.
* /Joe went through the motions of pretending that he wanted to buy that $250,000 house, but his wife candidly told the real estate lady […]
[pipe up] {v.}, {informal}
To speak up; to be heard.
Mary is so shy, everyone was surprised when she piped up with a complaint at the club meeting.
Everyone was afraid to talk to the police, but a small child piped up.
[pip-squeak] {n.}, {informal}
A small, unimportant person.
If the club is really democratic, then every little pip-squeak has the right to say what he thinks.
* /When the smallest boy was chosen to be the monitor, the class bully said he would not […]
[piss off] {v.}, {slang}, {vulgar}, {avoidable}
To bother; annoy; irritate.
You really piss me off when you talk like that.
- [pissed off] {adj.}
Why act so pissed off just because I made a pass at you?
[pit against] {v.}
To match against; oppose to; put in opposition to; place in competition or rivalry with.
The game pits two of the best pro football teams in the East against each other.
He pitted his endurance against the other man's speed.
[pit-a-pat] {adv.}
With a series of quick pats.
When John asked Mary to marry him, her heart went pit-a-pat.
The little boy ran pit-a-pat down the hall.