Idioms beginning with "P"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
Contents of P:
[poke around] or [poke about] {v.}
1. To search about; look into and under things.
The detective poked around in the missing man's office.
2. To move slowly or aimlessly; do little things.
He didn't feel well, and poked around the house.
[poles apart] {adj.}
Completely different.
The two brothers were poles apart in personality.
It was hard for the members to make any decisions because their ideas were poles apart.
[polish off] {v.}, {informal}
1. To defeat easily.
The Dodgers polished off the Yankees in four straight games in the 1963 World Series.
2. To finish completely; finish doing quickly, often in order to do something else.
* /The boys were hungry […]
[polish the apple] {v. phr.}, {slang}
To try to make someone like you; to try to win favor by flattery.
Mary polished the apple at work because she wanted a day off.
Susan is the teacher's pet because she always polishes the apple.
- [apple […]
[pooped out] {adj.}, {slang}
Worn out; exhausted.
Everyone was pooped out after the hike.
The heat made them feel pooped out.
[poor as a church mouse] {adj. phr.}, {informal}
Penniless; broke; extremely poor.
The newly arrived boat people were poor as church mice.