Idioms beginning with "R"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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[roasting ear] {n.}
An ear of corn young and tender enough to be cooked and eaten; also corn cooked on the cob.
The scouts buried the roasting ears in the coals of their campfire.
* /At the Fourth of July picnic we had fried chicken and roasting […]
[rob Peter to pay Paul] {v. phr.}
To change one duty or need for another; take from one person or thing to pay another.
Bill owed Sam a dollar, so he borrowed another from Joe to pay Sam back. He robbed Peter to pay Paul.
* /Trying to study a […]
[rob the cradle] {v. phr.}, {informal}
To have dates with or marry a person much younger than yourself.
When the old woman married a young man, everyone said she was robbing the cradle.
- [cradle-robber] {n.}
* /The judge died when he was […]
[rob the till] or [have one's hand in the till] {v. phr.}, {informal}
To steal money in your trust or for which you are responsible.
The supermarket manager suspected that one of the clerks was robbing the till.
* /Mr. Jones deposited one thousand […]
[rock-bottom] {n.}
The lowest possible point.
The nation's morale hit rock bottom in the hours following the president's assassination.
- Often used like an adjective, with a hyphen.
The rock-bottom price of this radio is $25.