Idioms beginning with "S"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of S:
[stop street] {n.}
A street where cars must come to a full stop before crossing another street.
Johnny was late because he traveled on a stop street.
[stop the show] {v. phr.}
To elicit such a strong applause from the audience that the show is interrupted.
Pavarotti's rendition of "O sole mio" always stops the show.
[stop up] {v. phr.}
To block; close.
If you want to get rid of the leak, you must stop up the two holes you have in the ceiling.
[stow away] {v.}
1. {informal}
To pack or store away.
After New Year's Day the Christmas decorations were stowed away until another season.
2. To hide on a ship or another kind of transportation to get a free ride.
* /John ran away from home and […]
[straighten out] {v.}
To correct a mistake; make you realize you are wrong.
The teacher saw Jim's awkward sentence on the board and asked for volunteers to straighten it out.
Sometimes only a good spanking will straighten out a naughty child.
[straighten up] {v.}
To put in order; make neat.
Vic had to straighten up his room before he could go swimming.
Mrs. Johnson straightened up the house before company came.
Compare: [PICK UP] (6b), [SQUARE AWAY].