Idioms beginning with "U"
Part of speech, explanation, example sentences, pronunciation
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Contents of U:
[Upsadaisy!] or [Upsee-daisy!] or [Upsy-daisy!] {adv. phr.}
- A popular exclamation used when just about anything is lifted, particularly a small child raised to his or her highchair or bed.
* /"Upsee-daisy!" the nurse said with a smile on her face, as […]
[ups and downs] {n. phr.}
Vicissitudes; alternating periods between good and bad times; changes in fortune.
He is now a wealthy stock trader, but at the beginning of his career he, too, had many ups and downs.
[upset the applecart] or [upset one's applecart] {v. phr.}, {informal}
To ruin a plan or what is being done, often by surprise or accident; change how things are or are being done, often unexpectedly; ruin or mix up another person's success or plan for […]
[upside down] {adv. phr.}
Overturned so that the bottom is up and the top is down.
The ladybug lay upside down in the sand and was unable to take off.
The problem with this company is that everything is upside down; we need a new C.E.O.
[up the creek] or [up the creek without a paddle] {adj. phr.}, {informal}
In trouble or difficulty and unable to do anything about it; stuck.
* /Father said that if the car ran out of gas in the middle of the desert, we would be up the creek without a […]
[up tight] or [uptight] {adj.}, {slang}, {informal}
Worried, irritated, excessively eager or anxious.
Why are you so uptight about getting that job? The more you worry, the less you'll succeed.
[up to] {prep.}
1. As far, as deep, or as high as.
The water in the pond was only up to John's knees.
Mary is small and just comes up to Bill's chest.
The shovel sank in the soft mud all the way up to the handle.
2. Close to; […]
[up-to-date] {adj.}
Modem; contemporary; the latest that technology can offer.
"I want an up-to-date dictionary of American idioms," Mr. Lee said, "that has all the latest Americanisms in it."
Contrast: [STATE-OF-THE-ART].
[up to no good] {adv. phr.}
Intending to do something bad; perpetrating an illicit act.
We could tell from the look on Dennis the Menace's face that he was once again up to no good.