Contents of В:
[встать не с той ноги] {v. phr.}
[vstat' ne stoj no`gi]
{literally} get up on the wrong leg.
Eq.: [get up on the wrong side of the bed]
* /The contract has not been signed, unfortunately. Apparently our partners have got up on the […]
[выдавливать улыбку] {v. phr.}
[vy`davlivat' u`lybku]
To force a smile to appear on one's face.
* /После разговора по душам, мой приятель лишь с трудом смог выдавить улыбку. […]
[выносить сор из избы] {v. phr.}
To take trash out one's home.
~[air (wash) one's dirty linen] (in public);
~wash your dirty linen at home;
~[to foul one's own nest].
To expose smt. that should be kept private to public.
[вынь да положь] {v. phr.} {informal}
[vyin' da po`lozh]
{imperative} do or get smt. by all means. (for smb.). Said when smb. wants smt. here and right now.
* /"Все преобразования требуют времени, а […]
[высасывать из пальца] {v. phr.}
To suck something out of one's finger.
~ to make (d) up out of whole cloth.
To fabricate smth, dream the whole thing up.
To allege something which has no foundation in actual fact, […]