Contents of A:
(c.388-c.311 BC), Greek playwright
Two things only a man cannot hide: that he is drunk and that he is in love.
(1920 — 1992)
American (Russian-born) biochemist, author, science fiction novelist, popularizer of science, and scholar.
Wrote short stories.
Developed Three Laws of Robotics.
Coined words "robotics" and "positronic".
U.S. humorist
I joined the army, and succeeded in killing about as many of the enemy as they of me.
(but H.H. Munro, better known as Saki, also said, "A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation." in The Square Egg in 1924, so somebody's stealing something...)
A little inaccuracy saves a world of explanation.
English novelist
If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.