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В разделе A:
[as the crow flies] {adv. clause}
По кратчайшему пути; напрямик.
It is seven miles to the next town as the crow flies, but it is ten miles by the road, which goes around the mountain.
[as to] {prep.}
1. В связи с чем-л.; о чем-л.; относительно чего-л.
There is no doubt as to his honesty.
As to your final grade, that depends on your final examination.
2. В […]
[as well as] {conj.}
Вдобавок; а также; кроме того.
Hiking is good exercise as well as fun.
He was my friend as well as my doctor.
The book tells about the author's life as well as about his writings.
[as yet] {adv. phr.}
До настоящего времени; пока; еще.
We know little as yet about the moon's surface.
She has not come as yet.
[at a loss] {adj. phr.}
Без понятия; озадаченный, в растерянности, в затруднении, в недоумении.
A good salesman is never at a loss for words.
* /When Don missed the last bus, he was at a […]
[at call] {adj.} или {adv. phr.}
1. Дежурящий (в готовности) или находящийся поблизости для использования, помощи, обслуживания; по запросу.
* /Thousands of auto […]
[at close range] {adv. phr.}
Рядом; поблизости.
The police officer fired at the fleeing murder suspect at close range.
- делать что-л. наперекор (не намеренно, а в результате взаимного непонимания).
They are at cross purposes and are always arguing about what to do.
* /Tom's parents acted at cross […]
[at death's door] {adj.} или {adv. phr.}
На пороге смерти; умирающий.
He seemed to be at death's door from his illness.
[at each other's throats] {prep. phr.}
Постоянно спорящие и ссорящиеся.
Joan and Harry have been at each other's throats so long that they have forgotten how much they used to love one another.