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В разделе A:
[at one's door] или [at one's doorstep] {adv. phr.}
1. Очень близко; совсем рядом с местом, где вы живете или работаете.
* /Johnny is very lucky because there's a swimming pool right at his […]
[at one's elbow] {adv. phr.}
Рядом с вами; поблизости.
The President rode in an open car with his wife at his elbow.
* /Mary practiced for several years to become a champion swimmer and her mother was always at her elbow to help […]
[at one's feet] {adv. phr.}
Под чьм-либо влиянием или во власти.
She had a dozen men at her feet.
Her voice kept audiences at her feet for years.
[at one time] {adv. phr.}
1. В один и тот же момент; вместе, одновременно;
Let's start the dance again all at one time.
Mr. Reed's bills came all at one time and he could not pay them.
Син.: [AT THE SAME […]
[at sea] (1) {adv.} or {adj. phr.}
1. В морском круизе; в путешествии на корабле.
They had first met at sea.
2. В море; вдали от берега.
By the second day the ship was well out at sea.
* […]
[at sea] (2) {adj. phr.}
Не представляющий что делать; растерянный; потерянный.
The job was new to him, and for a few days he was at sea.
* /When his friends talked about chemistry, Don was at sea, […]
[at swords' points] {adj. phr.}
Готовый начать бой; сильно настроенный против всех остальных; враждебный; ссорящийся.
* /The dog's barking kept the Browns at swords' points with […]
[at the point of] {prep.}
Очень близко к (ч.л.); практически на пороге (при-), в состоянии, едва, чуть.
When Mary broke her favorite bracelet, she was at the point of tears. — Мэри едва […]
[at the tip of one's tongue] или [on the tip of one's tongue] {adv. phr.}
1. Почти высказанное; на грани того чтобы что-то сказать.
* /It was at the tip of my tongue to tell him, when the phone […]
[at times] {adv. phr.}
Не часто; не регулярно; не каждый день; не каждую неделю; от случая к случаю; иногда.
At times Tom's mother lets him hold the baby.
* /You can certainly be […]