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В разделе D:
[dead pedal] {n.}, {slang}, {citizen's band radio jargon}
Медленно двигающееся авто.
Better pass that eighteen wheeler, Jack; it's a dead pedal.
[dead tired] {adj. phr.}, {informal}
Смертельно уставший.
She was dead tired at the end of the day's work.
[dead to the world] {adj. phr.}, {informal}
1. Крепко спящий.
Tim went to bed very late and was still dead to the world at 10 o'clock this morning.
2. Как мертвый; без сознания.
* /Tom was hit on the head by a […]
[Dear John letter] {n. phr.}
Записка или письмо, сообщающее о том, что роман (или брак) разрывается.
Jane left a "Dear John letter" on the table and went home to live with her parents.
[devil to pay] {n. phr.}
Большая неприятность. — Исп. после "the".
There'll be the devil to pay when the teacher finds out who broke the window.
When Jim wrecked his father's car, there was the devil to pay.
[die in one's boots] or [die with one's boots on] {v. phr.}, {informal}
Быть убитым или повешенным нежели чем умирать в кровати.
The badmen of the Old West usually died in their boots.
* /The robber […]
[dig down] {v.}, {slang}
Тратить собственные деньги.
The school let the club use the bus and driver free for their trip, but they had to dig down to pay for gas and meals.
* /"So you broke Mrs. Brown's window?" Tom's father […]
[dime store] or [five-and-dime] or [five-and-ten]
Магазин, в котором все стоит дёшево.
Charles bought a pencil at the five-and-dime.
[dirt cheap] {adj.}
Крайне недорогой.
The apartment we are renting is dirt cheap compared to other apartments of similar size in this neighborhood.
[dirty one's hands] или [soil one's hands] {v. phr.}
Запятнать или портить свою репутацию или доброе имя; сделать плохой или постыдный поступок.
* /The teacher warned the […]