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eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
(~око за око, зуб за зуб)
Ответный удар, ущерб или несправедливость должны быть такого же масштаба как и каждый из полученных; каждое преступление или причинение ущерба должно быть наказуемо или компенсировано.
In ancient times if a man's eye was put out by his enemy, he might get revenge by putting his enemy's eye out. This was the rule of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."
Иногда используется сокращенная форма:
Churches today teach that we should forgive people who hurt us, not follow the rule of "an eye for an eye." (From the old command in the Bible meaning when you pay back a person, you should not hurt him more than he hurt you.)
Источник: A Dictionary of American Idioms