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let one's left hand know what one's right hand is doing

1. Демонстрировать свою доброту или помогать другим. — используется в отрицательном значении.
The Bible tells us not to let the left hand know what the right hand is doing when we give to the poor.
2.  {informal}
Информировать всех, кто участвует в чем-то, о том, что делает каждый; поощрять сотрудничество в работе.
Tom told Fred and Bill to meet him in town, but he forgot to tell them where. Next time he'll let his left hand know what his right hand is doing.
- Часто используется в отрицательном значении.
Our team lost today because the coach and captain did not let the left hand know what the right was doing, and the players were all mixed up.
Категории: encourage hand time {informal} {v. phr.}