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Американские идиомы на букву "L"
Русский перевод (значение), часть речи, примеры использования, видео-уроки, произношение
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В разделе L:
[lash out] {v.}
1. Лягать.
The horse lashed out at the man behind him.
2. Пытаться внезапно ударить.
The woman lashed out at the crowd with her umbrella.
3. Атаковать словесно.
* /The senator […]
[later on] {adv.}
Позже; не сейчас.
Finish your lessons. Later on, we may have a surprise.
Bill couldn't stand on his head when school started, but later on he learned how.
[laughing matter] {n.}
Смешное происшествие; глупая ситуация. — Обычно используется с "no".
John's failing the test is no laughing matter!
* /We were amused when our neighbor's cat had five […]
[laugh off] {v.}
Отделываться шуткой, отшучиваться; не принимать всерьез.
He had a bad fall while ice skating but he laughed it off.
You can't laugh off a ticket for speeding.
Ср.: [MAKE LIGHT […]
[laugh one out of] {v. phr.}
Отвлекать кого-л. шуткой от тревог и печали.
Jack was worried about getting airsick, but his son and daughter laughed him out of it.
[laugh one's head off] {v. phr.}, {informal}
Очень смеяться; смеяться без остановки.
Paul's stories are so wildly funny that I laugh my head off whenever he starts telling one of them.
[laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth] или
[laugh on the other side of one's mouth] или
[laugh out of the other side of one's mouth]
{v. phr.}, {informal}
[laugh on the wrong side of one's face]
Переходить от […]
[lay a finger on] {v. phr.}
(Пальцем) трогать; беспокоить. — Используется в отриц., вопр. или усл. предл.
* /Don't you dare lay a finger on the vase! — Не вздумай вазу даже […]
[lay at one's door] {v. phr.}, {literary}
Обвинять кого-л. в чём-л.
The failure of the plan was laid at his door.
Ср.: [LAY TO] (1).