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В разделе S:
[scandal sheet] {n.}
Газета, печатающая много шокирующих новостей и скандалов.
Bob wanted to find out who won the election, but he could find only a scandal sheet.
* /The scandal sheet carried big […]
[scrape together] {v. phr.}
Готовить на скорую руку, обычно из скудных ингредиентов.
We were so hungry we had to scrape together some lunch from all kinds of frozen leftovers.
[scream bloody murder] {v. phr.}, {informal}
Кричать или протестовать изо всех сил.
When the thief grabbed her purse, the woman screamed bloody murder.
* /When the city doubled property taxes, home owners screamed […]
[screw-up] {n.}
Промах, просчет; ошибка; неразбериха, бардак.
"What a screw-up!" the manager cried, when he realized that the bills were sent to the wrong customers.
[screw up one's courage] или [pluck up one's courage] {v. phr.}
Набираться храбрости.
The small boy screwed up his courage and went upstairs in the dark.
* /When his father came home in a bad mood, it took Pete some time to […]
[scrounge around] {v. phr.}, {slang}
1. Искать что-л. бесцельно, не имея ясного представления о том, что и как.
* /I don't know what's the matter with him, he is just scrounging around all day […]
[search me] {informal}
Я не знаю; Откуда мне знать? — может быть сочтено грубым.
When I asked her what time it was, she said, "Search me, I have no watch."
[search one's heart] или [search one's soul] {v. phr.}, {formal}
Анализировать чьи-л. мотивы и действия; пытаться понять был ли кто-л. или поступок справедлив и честен.
[second-best] {adj.}
Следующий за лучшим; второй по рангу.
Mary wore her second-best dress.
Bob was the second-best player on the team.
* /"I am the second-best student in this school because I was second best in […]
[second thought] {n.}
Смена идей или мнений, возникшая в результате дальнейшего обдумывания или изучения предмета.
* /Your second thoughts are very often wiser than your […]